Please contact the Clerk if you have any queries.

Asset Register 2024

Asset Register 2024-2025

Standing Orders 2024

Standing Orders 2024

Debit Card Policy 2024

Debit Card Policy 2024

Financial and Internal Controls 2024

Financial Controls 2024

Financial Regulations 2024

Financial Regulations 2024

Risk Assessment 2024

Risk Assessment 2024

Risk Assessment 2023

Reviewed June 2022 To be read in conjunction with the Playing Field Risk Assessment April 2021 and Business Continuity Plan for Covid 19

Financial and Internal Controls 2023

The Process of Financial and Internal Controls 2023

Financial Regulations 2023

Asset Register 2023

A list of all assets owned by MMPC as at 31st March 2023

Standing Orders 2023

Adopted March 2023

Flexible Working Policy 2022

Homeworking Policy 2022

Complaints Procedure 2022

Councillor Code of Conduct 2022

Reviewed June 2022

Delegation of Power to The Clerk

Following the lapse of the legislation giving authorities the power to hold remote meetings, and due to the current regulations in place for Coronavirus, the council have delegated legal powers to The Clerk until June 28th when delegation will be reviewed.

GDPR - Information Policy

Reviewed April 2019

MMPC Training and Development Policy

Adopted May 2020

Appraisal Protocol and Policy

Adopted October 2020

Playing Field Risk Assessment April 2021

A risk assessment for the playing field area, taking into consideration the special requirements in relation to the regulations in place for Covid 19.

Equality and Diversity Policy

Adopted May 2020

Safeguarding Policy

Adopted February 2021

Health & Safety Policy

Adopted February 2021

Grant Awarding Policy

Adopted July 2020. The Parish Council has a budget to help community groups in the Parish of Maids Moreton for the financial year 1st April 2021 - 31st March 2022. If you would like to bid for some of this money, this coming year, please download the Grant Awarding Policy and send it with the relevant documents to the Clerk by 1 November 2021.

Maids Moreton Conservation Area

The Maids Moreton Conservation Area Information Booklet

Business Continuity Plan for Covid 19

To be read in conjunction with the Maids Moreton Parish Council Risk Assessment.

Financial Regulations

Adopted May 2020

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Terms of Reference

Reviewed May 2017

GDPR - Retention of Documents

Reviewed April 2019

GDPR - Data Audit

Reviewed April 2019

GDPR - Privacy Policy & Notice

Reviewed April 2019

Publication Scheme

Reviewed May 2019