Budget 2024-2025

Budget 2024-2025

Each year the Parish Council agree a budget for spending for the following year.  

This will take into account all of the duties they perform, such as maintenance of the village and village assets, provision of streetlighting, provision of bins for general and dog waste, and verge and green space maintenance.

They must also decide what larger projects, if any, they need, or would like, to undertake, and must budget for this accordingly.

Once a budget has been agreed, an amount is agreed as a "Precept".  A Precept is the amount of money that a Parish Council collects from the residents of the parish in order to pay for the budget that has been agreed.  This is not the only income that Maids Moreton Parish receive.  Income from The Maids Moreton Scouts, Maids Moreton Cricket Club and Buckingham Rugby Club is collected and added to the receipts to contribute to the running of their respective buildings or playing field.

Any grants that are received by the Parish Council have zero impact on the budget as they are both received and spent in the allocated timeframe.

Once agreed, the Precept request is sent to Buckinghamshire Council and collected as part of residents Council Tax.

When considering the budget for 2022/23, Maids Moreton Parish Council looked at historical spending, planned spending and the cost of gas and electric which has impacted many utility users across the world.

We have moved several projects planned for last year to this year, including some much needed maintenance to our buildings, The Scout Hut and The Cricket Pavilion.  

We have successfully completed the re-negotiation of the agreement for the Cricket Pavilion and the cricket pitch with Maids Moreton Cricket Club.  The agreed rent received from the club is not sufficient to cover all the costs associated with the upkeep of the pavilion and therefore it is hoped we can find a suitable user who can utilise the facilities that are available and we can increase our income.  We are in negotiations with a local childcare provider and will keep you posted.  The Cricket Club have had their use agreed and will continue to reside at the Cricket Pavilion.

The Scout Hut is in need of a new boiler and refurbished toilets.  We finally completed the re-negotiation of the agreement for this building with Maids Moreton Scouts in March 2022.  We hope to start on refurbishment during the Summer months.  Once refurbished it will an asset to the village which may be used by the Parish Council for more community based activities.

We successfully applied for a grant from the Buckingham and Surrounding Villages Community Board to clear some areas of bramble around the playing field and this work was successfully completed.  We have also successfully applied for a grant from the Community Board for gazebos which will ensure when we have events we can provide a parish council presence whatever the weather.

Our grant application for a refurbished playground is in progress, with the starting point being another application to the Buckingham and Surrounding Villages Community Board for 10.75% of our total cost, this being a requirement of our grant application to the FCC Communities Foundation.