07544 751061
Notice of Carriageway Repairs
Foscott Road, Maids Moreton and Maids Moreton Road, Leckhampsted.
Transport for Buckinghamshire will be undertaking highway maintenance road treatment works to the carriageway of Foscott Road / Maids Moreton Road, Leckhampstead between Main Street, Maids Moreton and Leckhampstead village. This work is being undertaken to improve the condition of the road in order to prolong its life.
The patching works are programmed to begin on Monday 2nd March 2020 and it is anticipated the work will take approximately 15 days to complete. No work will take place over the weekend. The work will be carried out utilising a daytime road closure in operation between 07:00 – 17:30hrs.
Notice Date: 02/03/2020