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Neighbourhood Plan Update
Neighbourhood Plan Update
Maids Moreton Neighbourhood Plan
Information here last updated 4 March 2023
In July and August 2022, Maids Moreton Parish Council made available a consultation draft of its
Neighbourhood Plan and invited comments from statutory consultees as well as from the wider
public. All comments received were considered and, where appropriate, changes were made to the
draft version of the Plan in response to these comments.
The Parish Council will now submit the updated Plan to Buckinghamshire Council under Regulation
15 of the legislation on neighbourhood planning. In addition to the updated version of the Plan
(Maids Moreton NP Mar 2023 V10.3) the legislation requires two other documents be submitted.
These are the Consultation Statement, which describes the consultation process undertaken, lists all
the comments received during the formal (Regulation 14) consultation and the response made as
well as the Basic Conditions Statement, which explains how the Neighbourhood Plan meets the Basic
Conditions and other legal requirements.
Copies of these three documents can be downloaded from the links at the foot of this webpage. Note
that the Neighbourhood Plan itself has been compressed to make downloading quicker and to avoid
taking up excessive disk space. All that has been changed by compression from the original document
is the resolution of images but all are still perfectly readable on screen or when printed out at normal
In addition to these three documents, which meet the legal requirements (the plan of the
Neighbourhood Area is within the Plan itself) there are also an Updated Heritage Report and a
collection of Background Documents. The former gives greater detail on the built and natural
heritage of Maids Moreton while the latter, which is a rolling document, includes more detailed
information on a wide range of issues to show how and why the Plan has the form it has taken.
Copies of both of these two additional documents can also be downloaded from links at the foot of
this page together with detailed reports on four traffic surveys undertaken between 2013 and 2020.
These have been made available as the level and speed of traffic within the village is a matter of
great concern to most if not all residents.
Buckinghamshire Council is now responsible for checking that the submitted Neighbourhood Plan has
followed the proper legal process, such as the neighbourhood area being designated and the legal
requirements for consultation and publicity having been followed Once it has satisfied itself on these
matters, the Council will then publicise the Plan and arrange for an independent examination of the
plan. The six-week publicity period (Regulation 16) gives people who wish to do so an opportunity to
make representations that will be passed to the independent examiner.
Publicity under Regulation 16 should not be confused with the earlier pre-submission consultation
(Regulation 14); the two are quite different. Regulation 14 consultation, which was done last year,
allowed anyone to comment on any aspect of the plan and for modifications to be made, if
necessary. Following the Regulation 16 publicity period, any representations made will be passed to
the independent examiner. This means that they will only be considered within the remit of the
independent examination (i.e. whether the neighbourhood plan proposal meets the basic
The examiner will issue a report to the local authority and to us as the neighbourhood planning body.
If the plan meets the basic conditions, the examiner will recommend that the plan proceed to the
referendum stage. However, they may, and usually do, recommend modifications that need to be
made to the plan in order to meet the basic conditions before it can proceed to the referendum.
If you need further information, please contact our Vice Chair, Pat Hardcastle phardcastle@maids-
moreton.co.uk who leads on this process for us.
More about the Neighbourhood Plan
Neighbourhood Plan Documents
Additional Documents
NP Process - 12 Apr 2022.pdf Base Point 2013 Traffic Survey Analysis (1).pdf Maids Moreton Heritage Report Updated March 2022 V2 Compressed.pdf Maids Moreton NP Mar 2023 V10.3 Compressed.pdf Analysis of MM ATC Data - Final 3 Nov 2020 (1).pdf MMNP Background Document V9.pdf MMNP Basic Conditions Statement V2 Feb 2023 - Final.pdf MMNP Consultation Statement V1.4 Mar 2023 - Final.pdf Report to MMPC on 6 Dec 18 Traffic Survey in MM - V6 Final.pdf Updated 2019 MM Traffic Survey Report.pdf Annex 1 Field names.pdf Annex 10 Maids Moreton CE School Walking map.pdf Annex 11 Scotts Lane surveys 2019 and 2020.pdf Annex 12 Maids Moreton Traffic Survey 2018.pdf Annex 13 Maids Moreton Conservation Group newsletters.pdf Annex 14 PC Grant for Interpretation board.pdf Annex 15 i-Record Heat Map.pdf Annex 16 Great Crested Newt surveys 2010 and 2020.pdf Annex 17 Volunteer activities.pdf Annex 18 Interpretation board feedback.pdf Annex 19 Maids Moreton circular walk guide.pdf Annex 2 Map of public footpaths.pdf Annex 20 Maids Moreton circular Walk grant.pdf Annex 3a Maids Moreton-CA.pdf Annex 3b Maids-Moreton-CA map.pdf Annex 4 Land registry Scotts Lane fields.pdf Annex 5 Have your say.pdf Annex 6 Wildlife Survey Day.pdf Annex 7 Maids Moreton Parish Plan.pdf Annex 8 PC Gravel and newsletters grant.pdf Annex 9 Photos.pdf MM CRTB - For circulation.docx